My Story
Brian's life was totally changed when he learned to juggle in 5th year of secondary school. Beforehand he had a low self-esteem and struggled socially. Afterwards his self-esteem soared, though his social struggle still continued… It wasn't instant magic, but after a lot of hard work and many wonderful opportunities there was a definite transformation which has given Brian the confidence to do some incredible things.
Since that time he has risen to be one of the best jugglers in the country, and is Ireland’s best performing unicyclist. According to David Cain, a reknowned juggling historian, Brian is one of the best in the world at his chosen speciality in juggling – kickups. He was also the Main Organiser and Creative Director of the largest juggling convention on the planet for 2014 The European Juggling Convention, which hosted over 2300 jugglers from the world over for 9 days in Cork, contributing an estimated €3 million to the local economy.
The joy and benefits of juggling that Brian felt totally filled him up til he was overflowing, and he couldn't help but put himself in a position where he could create the opportunity for others to get the same benefits. Now he continues to enjoy his practice and teaching juggling, but especially enjoys inspiring crowds through his many performances around the country.
Brian has loved performing at weddings since his first wedding over 5 years ago, "There's just something very special about the wedding audience, they all know each other and they are gathered for a very important reason. It makes it a very special show. Not all audiences are like that – that's why weddings are my favourite".
Brian O